Highlands Mutual Water Company
Special Shareholders Meeting
Election of the Board of Directors
SEPTEMBER 30, 2024
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
16374 Main Street
Lower Lake, CA 95457
A boundary map showing all APNs within Highlands can be found at If you believe there is an error in this boundary map or that a parcel was inadvertently included or excluded, please contact our office in writing, before 12:00 PM on September 25, 2024.
Our address is: 14580 Lakeshore Drive, Clearlake, CA 95422
Under Highlands’ Bylaws and a court order, only parcels within these boundaries are shareholders. Parcels outside these boundaries are not shareholders, even if Highlands provides water service to the parcel.
Regular Board Meeting
As of March 31, 2022 Regular Board Meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of every month at 4:00pm at our Business Office, unless otherwise noticed. Dates are subject to change during holidays.
Agendas will be posted at our business office and on our website
Pursuant to California Corporations Code Section 14305 (b)(1)(A), any eligible person may personally attend a meeting of the board, if the eligible person has the board at least 24 hours advance written notice of his or her intent to personally attend the meeting. Eligible persons are defined under the California Corporations Code Section 14305 (o)(1).
Pursuant to Corporations Code Section 14305 any eligible person as described in Corporations Code Section 14305(o)(1) wishing to address the Highlands Water Company Board of directors may do so during public input. Eligible person(s) will be limited to a reasonable amount of speaking time at the discretion of the Board.
Annual Shareholder Meeting
Highlands Mutual Water Company's Annual Shareholders Meeting will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every year at 6:00PM at the Business Office located at 14580 Lakeshore Drive in Clearlake CA.
2024 Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on April 10th, 2024 @ 6:00pm